Friday, April 8, 2016

एक करोड भन्दा बढी मनिसहरुले हेरीसकेको यो कुनै एक्सन फिल्मकोको भन्दा पनि खतरनाक फाइटको मुटु काप्ने दोहोरो भिडन्तको डरलाग्दो भिडियो

Young Elephant Drive Off 14 Lions

 Hercules" the elephant is the new king of the jungle after the youngster drove off 14 lions earlier this month in Zambia. Visitors to South Luangwa National Park came upon a pride of female lions attacking the elephant near the Norman Carr Safaris Chinzombo Camp, and they caught the attack on camera.

"Never have I seen anything like this," Innocent, a Norman Carr safari guide, wrote with the YouTube video, which has amassed nearly 200,000 views. "We were all so worried the elephant would be killed right before us. What a fighter," he said.
The video shows the lions clawing at the elephant and even leaping onto its back as it tries to fend off and evade them despite being hugely outnumbered. Incredibly, the animal—which the tourists and safari guides dubbed Hercules—escapes unharmed, according to the Norman Carr Safaris website. To find out more about the behavior of both species, National Geographic spoke with Joyce Poole, co-founder of the nonprofit ElephantVoices and a National Geographic explorer. Have you ever seen anything like this before? We don't see it so much up in East Africa, [where I work]. Only once have I seen anything remotely like that. Usually elephants are very much in control when it comes to lions. So if they meet lions, they will see them off. What was the experience you had? A family group [was] feeding in some palm trees, and there was a year-old calf that was on the opposite side of the palm trees from the adults, just resting and feeding. Suddenly a lion approached and just pounced on this baby, who then screamed very loudly and the mother elephant immediately came out from behind the bush and chased off the lion and called in reinforcements. That's the only time I've seen it. I know for the most part, at least in East Africa, elephants are definitely the dominant of the species and will see off lions very easily. In Botswana I know of some prides specializing in elephants. I think it's kind of a culture among lions that can get started in certain areas. They tend to focus on these immature elephants. (Also see "'Unusual' Pictures: Lions vs. Hippo.") I wouldn't think they'd attack a full adult. And I don't think they'd try to attack an elephant if it was really integrated in the group. So it's likely that this one, even if the group was nearby, that somehow it was physically separated.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

अर्चना पनेरुले एक अन्तरबार्तामा हिरो प्रदीप खड्कासंग फिल्ममा काम गर्न मन छ भनेपछि _नायक प्रदीप खड्का भन्छन अर्चना पनेरु संग काम गर्न म पनि तयार छु | भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

Pradeep Khadka | Canada Nepal
Archana Paneru during an interview said that she want to work with Prem Geet actor Pradeep Khadka which became viral. We caught Pradeep Khadka on an event where we asked him about Archana Paneru’s wish. Prem Geet actor Pradeep Khadka shares his views regarding Archana Paneru with Canada Nepal. He smiled and took this in positive way and says he don’t have any problem to work with Archana Paneru in the film. Being his career he don’t want to have any objection on working with any actress. He may work as pair with Archana or may be he can work as brother sister also in the film. So he don’t have any problem working with Archana. He also says that Archana haven’t yet done any porn movies so this may be her tactic to get caught by media and come into limelight. So there is no any problem working with Archana Paneru in a same movie.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

भेतनामिस एयरलाईनसले बिकिनी सुन्दरी हरुको पर्दसन उडिरहेको जहाजभित्रै गराएर बिलियनको व्यापार... भिडियो हेर्नुहोस्

VietJetAir Bikini Girls Marketing Campaign
The photos of bikini girls, which are thought to appear in Vietjet Air’s advertisements by almost all people, are actually not the advertising materials, according to Vietjet Air. The company just carried out a trial photo shoot in contract with Venus Company and had no intention to public the photos too soon. However, the photos have been leaked out on social media and Vietjet Air receives a lot of adverse comments from netizens. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

पुरुषहरुलाई कण्डमको विकल्पका गर्भनिरोधक सुई, एक पटक लगाएपछि एक वर्ष ढुक्क

एजेन्सी । असुरक्षित यौनसम्पर्कबाट रहनसक्ने गर्भ रोक्न आकस्मिक गर्भनिरोधक औषधि सेवन र सुइ महिलाहरुले मात्र प्रयोग गर्दे आएका थिए । महिलाका लागि अस्थाई गर्भनिरोधका अनेक विधि छन् । सुइ देखि लिएर, पिल्स अनि पाठेघर तथा पाखुरामा राख्नेसम्मका उपकरण र कण्डम पनि । तर अब पुरुषहरुको लागि पनि गर्भनिरोधकका लागि कण्डम बाहेक अहिले सम्म केही थिएन तर अब पुरुषहरुलाई कण्डमको विकल्पका रुपमा नयाँ गभनिरोधक सुरुको निमार्ण भएको छ । वैज्ञानिकहरुले पुरुषका लागि पनि महिलाको तिन महिने संगिनी सुइ जस्तै पुरुषको लागि १ वर्षको अस्थाइ गर्भनिरोधक सुइको आविष्कार गरेका छन् । यो सुइ एक पटक लगाएपछि कण्डम नलगाइकन एक वर्षसम्म ढुक्क सँग सहवास गर्न सकिनेछ र त्यस्तो सुइ लगाएको पुरुषसँग एक वर्षभित्रमा सहवास गर्ने महिलामा गर्भ नरहने बैज्ञानिकको दाबी रहेको छ । अमेरिकाको पारसेमन फाउण्डेसनका वैज्ञानिकहरुले यस्तो पुरुष गर्भनिरोधक सुइको निमार्ण गरेका हुन । वैज्ञानिकहरुले सुरुमा खरायोमा यो सुइको परीक्षण गर्दा त्यसले सकारात्मक नतिजा दिएको र त्यस्तो सुइ लगाएको भाले खरायोले एक वर्षसम्म पोथीलाई गर्भिणी बनाउन नसकेको पाइएको थियो । अमेरिकाको इलिनोइस विश्वविद्यालयका प्राध्यापक डोनाल्ड वाल्लरले खरायोमा गरिएको परीक्षणका क्रममा प्राप्त नतिजा आशा गरिएको भन्दा उत्कृष्ट रहेको बताएका छन् खरायोमा प्रयोग भएको यो सुइलाई परिस्कृत गरी मानिसका लागि गर्भनिरोधक सुइको रुपमा समेत प्रयोग गर्न सकिने विश्वास शोधकर्ताहरुको छ । वैज्ञानिकहरुले उक्त पुरुष गर्भनरोधक खोपलाई भेसल जेलको नाम दिएका छन् । अब छिटै मानिसमा यसको परीक्षण सुरु गर्ने उनीहरुको भनाइ छ ।

Sunday, April 3, 2016

राती को १२ बजे विरेन्द्र जस्तै मानिस रुदै हिंडेको देखे पछी दरबारमा बसेका सबै को दिमागले काम गरेन!!! को हो त्यो विरेन्द्र जस्तो मानिस ? साबैले भने त्यो विरेन्द्रको आत्मा थियो!! यो (CCTV Camera ) ले लिएको भिडियो

राती को १२ बजे विरेन्द्र जस्तै मानिस रुदै हिंडेको देखे पछी दरबारमा बसेका सबै को दिमागले काम गरेन!!! को हो त्यो विरेन्द्र जस्तो मानिस ? साबैले भने त्यो विरेन्द्रको आत्मा थियो!! यो (CCTV Camera ) ले लिएको भिडियो