Thursday, March 31, 2016

हाम्रो नेपाली समाज कता जादै छ ? हैट यस्तो छाडा र यस्तो अस्लिल शब्द प्रयोग गर्दै निस्कियो अर्को लाजमर्दो भिडियो | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

YEAH BABY YEAH @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016
Films, in Nepal, are taking a bound towards post-modernized art. Despite few (or perhaps, many) unsuccessful films, some have started to leave a mark-the welcoming of New Generation, the New Nepali Cinemascope. Though not commercially conquering, many a film made within the contending industry have poised themselves as a strong competitor in captivating the heart of the mass and the class alike. Small budgets cinema that carries all- entertainment, a therapy to emotional scratch, note to the audiences, portrays hard work of the team. Saghuro, Kathaa, Manjari, Antaral, Hostel to name few; have left a lasting impression on the viewers. Few upcoming movies like Mokshya, Jholey, Ritu, Raghav, Fitkiri, Mukhauta, look equally captivating. But, the challenge now is on commercialization. Who will instigate? Film industry is not just a story of hue and cry of the directors, producers and actors in particular but the national spectator as a whole. The industry, in many parts of the globe, contributes to economy. To a large extent even. Many countries have developed some of their cities as Film Cities endorsing tourism as well.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

दरबार हत्याकाण्डमा संग्लग्न व्यक्तित्वहरुको गुगल ब्वाईले यसरि नाम लिन थालेपछि..... हेर्नुहोस भिडियो सहित

राजा वीरेन्द्रको वंश समाप्त हुने गरी भएको दरबार हत्याकाण्ड भएको १४ वर्ष पुरा भएको छ । २०५८ साल जेठ १९ गते शुक्रबार राति भोजमा गरिएको अन्धाधुन्ध गोली प्रहारबाट पूर्वराजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको परिवार मात्रै आश्चर्यजनक र रहस्यमय ढंगबाट सकुशल रहेको थियो । दरवार हत्याकाण्डको कालो दिन । आजको दिनलाई नेपालको इतिहासमा कालो दिनका रुपमा सम्झने गरिन्छ । जेठ १९ गते मध्यरातमा भएको अकल्पनीय हत्याकाण्डमा तात्कालीन राजा वीरेन्द्र, एश्वेर्य, युवराज दीपेन्द्रसहित राजपरिवारका १० सदस्यले ज्यान गुमाएका थिए ।

हत्याकाण्डलगत्तै तात्कालीन सभामुख तारानाथ रानाभाटको संयोजकत्वमा गठित उच्चस्तरीय छानविन समितिले घटनामा आफैं ज्यान गुमाएका तात्कालीन युवराज दीपेन्द्रको हात रहेको उल्लेख गरेको थियो । उक्त प्रतिवेदनको सत्यताप्रति केहि राजनीतिक दल बाहेक जनता र प्रमुख राजनीतिक दल र नेताहरुले विस्वास गरेका छैनन् । राजा वीरेन्द्रको वंशनाश भएको घटनाको १४ वर्ष बित्दासमेत हत्याकाण्डबारे पत्यार लाग्दो थप सत्य बाहिर आउन सकेको छैन।राजसंस्थाको विरुद्धमा शसस्त्र यूद्धमा होमीएको तत्कालीन नेकपा माओबादीले भने हत्याकाण्डमा राजा विरेन्द्रको माइला भाई ज्ञानेन्द्र र पारस शाहको प्रत्यक्ष संलग्नता रहेको दावी गरेको थियो । हत्याकाण्डगत्तै राजगद्धीमा बस्न सफल भएका ज्ञानेन्द्रले ०६२ ०६३ को संयुक्त जनआन्दोलनको सफलतापछि भएको संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकले ०६५ जेठ १५ गते गणतन्त्र घोषणा गरेलगत्तै दरवार छोडेका थिए ।दण्डहीनताको मुख्य केन्द्र राजदरवार रहेको बताउने एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादीले संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमार्फत पहिलो ठूलो दलका रुपमा स्थापित भएर दुई पटकसम्म सरकारको नेतृत्व गरेपछि पनि दरवार हत्याकाण्डको स्वतन्त्र छानविन गर्न भने सकेको पाइएको छैन । माओवादीले हत्याकाण्डलगत्तै परम्परागत राजतन्त्रको विधिवत अन्त्य भएको निष्कर्ष निकाल्दै गणतन्त्रको संस्थागत विकासमा लाग्नुपर्ने बताएको थियो । कतिपय राजनीतिक विश्लेषकहरुले २ सय ३६ वर्षसम्म एकछत्र राज गरेको राजतन्त्र अन्त्य हुनुमा दरवार हत्याकाण्ड प्रमुख कारण रहेको बताउँदै आएका छन् । हत्याकाण्डपछि २०४६ सालको संविधानले दिएको संवैधानिक राजतन्त्रको दायरा नाघेर एकाएक सक्रिय भएका ज्ञानेन्द्रको कार्यशैलीका कारण संवैधानिक राजतन्त्रलाई आदर्श मान्दै आएका नेपाली कांग्रेस र नेकपा एमालेलगायतका दलहरु गणतन्त्र प्राप्तिका लागि जनयुद्धमा रहेको माओवादीसँग १२ बुँदे समझदारी गर्न पुगेका थिए । सोही समझदारीका आधारमा भएको दोस्रो जनआन्दोलनले नेपालमा राजतन्त्र अन्त्य गरी गणतन्त्र स्थापना गरेको हो । संविधान सभाको पहिलो बैठकले जेठ १५ गते नेपाललाई गणतन्त्रात्मक मुलुकको रुपमा घोषणा गर्यो । तर नेपालमा गणतन्त्रको औपचारिक थालनी भने करिव ८ बर्षअघि आजैका दिनबाट भैसकेको थियो । राजाको जेठो छोरा राजा हुने परम्पराको अन्त आठ बर्षअघि आजैको दिन अर्थात् २०५८ जेठ १९ गते भएको थियो । त्यो दिन नारायणहिटी राजदरवारभित्र भएको हत्याकाण्डमा राजा बीरेन्द्रलगायत उनको पुरै बंश नास भएको थियो । परम्परागत राजतन्त्रअनुसार राजाको जेठो छोरा राजा हुने त्यो दिन नै नेपालमा गणतन्त्र सुरुवातको दिन थियो । राजा बीरेन्द्रको बंशनासपछि उनका भाई ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई राजगद्दी सुम्पिएको थियो । गणतन्त्र स्थापनाकालागि १० वर्षे जनयुद्ध र १९ दिने जनआन्दोलनमा हजारौ शहीदहरुले प्राणको आहुति दिएका छन् । तर गणतन्त्र स्थापनामा ती शहीदका रगतको जति भूमिका छ त्यति नै भूमिका जेठ १९ गते राजदरवारमा बगेको राजा बीरेन्द्रका परिवारको रगतकोपनि त्यत्तिकै भूमिका छ । नारायणहिटी राजदरवारमा हरेक महिनाको तेश्रो शुक्रबार राति नियमित पारिवारिक जमघटको आयोजना गरिन्थ्यो । यसै अनुसार २०५८ जेठ १९ गते शुक्रबारपनि जमघटको आयोजना गरियो । त्यसदिनको जमघट त्रिभुवन सदनमा गरिएको थियो जहाँ तत्कालिन युवराज दीपेन्द्र बस्ने गर्थे । राजा बीरेन्द्र, रानी ऐश्वर्य, मुमाबडारानी रत्न, युवराज दीपेन्द्र, अधिराज निराजनका अतिरिक्त राजपरिवारका अन्य सदस्यहरुलाई निम्तो दिइएको थियो । अन्य शाही नातेदारपनि त्यहाँ निम्त्याइएका थिए । निम्तालुहरुको संख्या २४ थियो । सबैलाई बेलुकी साढे सात बजे आउन भनिएको थियो । आमन्त्रित मध्ये श्री ५ अधिराजकुमारी प्रेक्षा, कुमार मोहनबहादुर शाही, र राजकुमारी विमला सिंह उपस्थित थिएनन् । अन्तिम राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र त्यो बेला पोखरामा रहेकाले निम्त्याइएका थिएनन् । बाँकी राजपरिवारका सदस्य र नातेदारहरु सबै जमघटमा उपस्थित थिए । त्यो अन्तिम रात: घटनाको श्रृङ्गखला आफ्नै निवास भएकाले त्रिभुवन सदनमा बेलुकी साढे सातबजे भन्दा अघि नै श्री ५ युवराजधिराज दीपेन्द्र पुगिसकेका थिए । त्यसपछि अन्य आमन्त्रितहरु त्यहाँ पुग्न थाले । आमन्त्रित अधिकांस आइपुगेपछि राति आठ बजेतिर युवराज दीपेन्द्र आफ्नो मोटरबाट मुमाबडामहारानी रत्नकहाँ पुगे । रत्न महेन्द्र मन्‍जिलमा बस्ने गर्थिन् । त्यहाँ पुगेका दीपेन्द्रले मुमाबडामहारानी रत्नको मोटर आफैले चलाई जमघट स्थान त्रिभुवन सदनमा ल्याए । अब रत्न बिलियार्ड कोठाको पूर्वतर्फ रहेको सानो बैठक भनिने कोठामा रहिन् जहाँ उनलाई श्री ५ अधिराजकुमारी हेलेन शाहले कुराकानीमा साथ दिइन् । राति साढे आठ बजे राजा बीरेन्द्रपनि त्यहाँ आइपुगे । उनी पैदल हिडेरै आफ्नो अफिसबाट सिधै त्रिभुवन सदनमा पुगेका थिए । उनले सबैभन्दा पहिले मुमाबडामहारानी रत्नसँग भेट गरे साथै केही मिनेट भलाकुसरीपनि । सो भलाकुसरीपछि उनीपनि बिलियार्ड कोठातर्फ लागे । यतिन्‍जेलसम्म नारायणहिटी दरवारभित्रको त्यो बंगलामा रहेका युवराज दीपेन्द्रको मनस्थितिमा परिवर्तन आइसकेको थियो । उनी कम्ब्याट पोशाकमा दुईतर्फ अत्याधुनिक राइफल र बार्ह बोरको बन्दुक भिरेर बिलियार्ड कोठामा प्रवेश गरिसकेका थिए । हतियारले सुसज्जित उनी बिलियार्ड कोठासँगै जोडिएको डायनिङ्ग कोठाको पूर्वतिरको बैठकतिरबाट जमघटमा प्रवेश गरे । र आफ्नो साथमा रहेको कालो रङ्गको ९ एमएम क्यालिबरको MP-5K सब-मेसिनगनबाट कोठाको सिलिङ्ग र पश्चिम भित्तातर्फ फायरिङ्ग गर्न थाले । के हुन लागेको हो कसैले अनुमान गरिनसक्दै उनी बिलियार्ड टेवलको पूर्व छेउतर्फ लागे जहाँ उनका पिता राजा बीरेन्द्र आफ्ना नातेदारहरुसँग कुराकानी गरिरहेका थिए । पिता बीरेन्द्रउपर गोली फायर गरेपछि दीपेन्द्र आफै पछाडि सरे । पछाडि सरेका दीपेन्द्रले बिलियार्ड कोठाबाहिर निस्केर सो कोठाको पूर्वतर्फ भित्री बगैचाको छेउमै रहेको उत्तरतर्फको झयाङ्गमा राईफल फ्याँके । उनी फेरि बिलियार्ड कोठामा प्रवेश गरे जहाँ उनले केही समयअघिमात्र आफ्नो साथमा रहेमध्येको टेलिस्कोपसहितको एम- १६ राईफल राखेका थिए । उनले त्यो राइफल फेरि बोके । र वरिपरि रहेका सबैतरि सोझ्याउँदै फायर गर्न थाले । उनको निशाना अहिलेपनि पिता बीरेन्द्र नै थिए । नजिकै दीपेन्द्रका आफ्नै बहिनी ज्वाइँ कुमार गोरख शमशेर राणा, काका धीरेन्द्र र फुपाजु कुमार खड्कबिक्रम शाहसमेत रहेकाले उनीहरुपनि दीपेन्द्रको प्रहारबाट बच्न सकेनन् । यी तीनजनामाथि फायरिङ्ग गरेपछि उनी पछाडि सर्दै ढोकामा पुगेजस्तो देखियो | पछि सर्दै ढोकासम्म पुगेपनि दीपेन्द्र फेरि अगाडि बढे । अब उनको निशानामा उनकी बहिनी अधिराजकुमारी श्रुति, फुपुहरु अधिराजकुमारी शारदा शाह, शान्ति सिंह, शाहज्यादी जयन्ती शाहलगायत परे । उनीहरुमाथिपनि जथाभावी गोली हानेका युवराज दीपेन्द्र बिलियार्ड कोठातिर लागे । लगत्तै उनी कोठाको पूर्वतिरबाट बाहिर निस्के । त्यहाँबाट पूर्वतिर रहेको भित्री बगैंचातिरबाट भाग्न थाले । यसरी राजपरिवारका महत्वपूर्ण सदस्यहरुमाथि गोली दागेर भाग्दै गरेका दीपेन्द्रलाई त्यो बगैंचामा आमा बडामहारानी ऐश्वर्यले खेद्न थालिन् । आमा ऐश्वयलाई पछ्याउँदै अधिराजकुमार निराजनपनि दीपेन्द्रलाई खेद्न थाले । तर विश्वकै सबैभन्दा अत्याधुनिक र शक्तिशाली अमेरिकी स्वचालित एम- १६ बोकेका दीपेन्द्रसँग यी दुइको के लाग्थ्यो ? दीपेन्द्र त्यहाँ रहेको नील काँडाको झ्याङ्ग नाघेर अर्को भागमा पुगे । त्यहाँबाट दीपेन्द्रले उनले आफूलाई खेद्दै गरेका आमा ऐश्वर्य र भाई निराजनमाथि गोली चलाए । आफ्नो परिवारका सबै सदस्यमाथि र नातेदारहरुमाथिसमेत एकपछि अर्को गर्दै गोली चलाएपछि दीपेन्द्र आफैले आफूसँग जगेडा रहेको पेस्तोलबाट गोली चलाए । र आत्महत्याको प्रयास गरे। यसरी ज्ञानेन्द्र दोश्रो पटक राजा घोषित गरिए दीपेन्द्रले प्रहार गरेको गोली लागी घाइते भएकामध्ये राजा बीरेन्द्र, रानी ऐश्वर्य, अधिराजकुमार निराजन, अधिराजकुमारीहरु श्रुति, शारदा र शान्ति, शाहज्यादी जयन्ती, कुमार खड्कबिक्रमको स्वयम्भू छाउनीस्थित बीरेन्द्र सैनिक अस्पतालमा मृत्यु भएको घोषणा गरिएको थियो । पूर्व अधिराजकुमार धीरेन्द्र एबं अचेत अवस्थामै राजा घोषित भएका दीपेन्द्रकॊ मृत्युको घोषणा सो घटनाको ४ दिनछि जेठ २२ गते बेलुकी गरिएको थियो । घाइतेमध्ये अधिराजकुमारी कोमल, पूर्व शाहज्यादी केतकी चेस्टर र कुमार गोरखशमशेर लामो उपचारपछिमात्र बच्न सके । उता दीपेन्द्रको मृत्युपछि राजपरिवारमा जीवित रहेकामध्ये सबैभन्दा जेष्ठ सदस्य ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई जेठ २२ कै दिन राजा घोषित गरियो । यसरी नेपालको इतिहासमा ज्ञानेन्द्र दोश्रो पटक राजा घोषित गरिए । यसअघि ०७ मा राजा त्रिभुवन शरण खोज्दै नयाँ दिल्ली पुगेपछि नारायणहिटीमा रहेका बालक ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई तत्कालिन राणा प्रधानमन्त्री मोहन शमशेरले राजा घोषित गरी श्रीपेचसमेत पहिर्याएका थिए । अन्धो प्रेममा पागल प्रेमी युवराज विश्वकै इतिहासमा दुर्लभ र दर्दनाक मानिएको यस्तो दर्दनाक हत्याकाण्डको मूल कारण थियो- युवराज दीपेन्द्रको देवयानी राणासँगको प्रेम । देवयानी राप्रपा अध्यक्ष पशुपति शमशेर राणाकी छोरी हुन् । त्यसअघि दीपेन्द्रको विवाहको चाँजो सुप्रिया शाह नामकी युवतिसँग मिलाइएको थियो । सुप्रिया अहिलेपनि मुमा बडामहारानी रत्नको निजी सचिवको रुपमा कार्यरत छिन् । ख्वै के कारणले हो पछि रानी ऐश्वर्य लगायत राजपरिवारका अन्य सदस्यले सुप्रियासँग दीपेन्द्रको विवाह हुन नसक्ने बताए । त्यसपछि दीपेन्द्रले आफ्नो लागि आफै कन्या खोजे । उनको रोजाईमा देवयानी परिन् । तर भारतको ग्वालियरजस्तो राजघरानाकी नातिनी देवयानीसँग दीपेन्द्रको विवाह हुँदा राजपरिवारमा देवयानीकोमात्र होइन ग्वालियरको राजपरिवारकोसमेत बर्चश्व बढ्ने चिन्ता राजपरिवारका अरु सदस्यले गरे । र देवयानीसँगको सम्बन्ध छुटाउन उनलाई दबाब दिन थालियो । देवयानीलाई बिबाहको बचन दिइसकेका दीपेन्द्रले भने देवयानीसँगसम्बन्ध टुटाउने होइन बरु आफ्नै बंश नास गर्ने र आफूलेपनि आत्महत्या गर्ने निर्णय गरे । फलत: आठ बर्षअघि आजैका दिन नारायणहिटी दरवारमा त्यो विभत्स घटना भयो । सो घटना हुनुअघि युवराज दीपेन्द्रले बिलियार्ड कोठामै रहेकै बेला आफ्ना एडिसी गजेन्द्र बोहोरालाई आफूले खाने प्रकृतिको चुरोट ल्याउन मोवाइल फोनबाट भनेका थिए । भनिए बमोजिम गजेन्द्र बोहोराले दीपेन्द्रका शाही अर्दली रामकृष्ण केसीलाई अर्हाए । केसीले ‘विशेष प्रकार’ को चुरोट बिलियार्ड कोठाको पूर्व ढोकामा गई शाहज्यादा पारशमार्फत् जिम्मा दिए । त्यसमा गाँजालगायतका ‘कालो पदार्थ’ भरिएको थियो । त्यो कालो पदार्थ के थियो अहिलेसम्म अज्ञात छ । यस्ता नसालु पदार्थको व्यवस्था युवराज दीपेन्द्रले आफै गर्ने गरेको भनाई छ । अर्दली केसीका अनुसार दीपेन्द्र आफैले खोजेर ल्याउने गाँजा लगायतका नशालु पदार्थ भरिएको चुरोटको सेवन करिव एक वर्षदेखि गर्न थालेका थिए । युवराज दीपेन्द्रका एडिसी गजेन्द्र बोहोरा र राजु कार्कीसमेतले नारायणहिटी काण्डका बारेमा छानविन गर्न गठन गरिएको समितिलाई दीपेन्द्रले यस प्रकारको चुरोट पिउने गरेको कुरा बताएका छन् । मोवाइल नं. ९८१०२१५१३ र ९८१०२४३३९ सो चुरोट पिएपछि नशामा लठ्ठ परेका दीपेन्द्रले राति ८:१२ बजे आफ्नो ९८१०२१५१३ नं को मोवाइलबाट आफ्नी प्रेमिका देवयानीको ९८१०२४३३९ नम्बरमा फोन गरी एक मिनेट १४ सेकेण्ड कुराकानी गरे । फेरि उनले देवयानी सँग ८ बजेर १९ जाँदा दोश्रो पटक कुराकानी गरे । दोश्रो पटक यी दुई प्रेमी-प्रेमिकाबीच ४ मिनेट १४ सेकेण्ड कुराकानी भएको थियो । त्यसपछि फेरि राति ८ बजेर ३९ मिनेट जाँदा दीपेन्द्रले देवयानीलाई तेश्रो पटक फोन गरी अन्तिम कुराकानी गरे । तेश्रो तथा अन्तिम यो कुराकानी ३२ सेकेण्ड चलेको थियो । देवयानीका अनुसार अन्तिम कुराकानीको समयमा दीपेन्द्रको स्वर लडबडाइरहेको थियो । तर ती तीन कुराकानीमा दीपेन्द्रले देवयानीलाई के भनेका थिए यो कुराको रहस्य देवयानीले अहिलेसम्म खोलेकी छैनन् । हाल उनको भारतको एक राजघरानाका राजकुमारसँग विहे भैसकेको छ । देवयानीसँगको यही अन्तिम कुराकानीपछि दीपेन्द्र सैनिक कम्ब्याट पोशाक लगाएर हात हतियार समेत लिई खोपी बाहिर निस्केका थिए । दीपेन्द्रका अर्दली रामकृष्णले हातहतियार सुसज्जित दीपेन्द्रलाई देखेपनि केही समयपछि नै त्यस्तो विभत्स घटना होला भन्ने उनले कल्पना गर्न सकेनन् त्यसैले उनले दीपेन्द्रलाई रोक्ने कुनै प्रयास गरेनन् । चुरोटमात्र होइन त्यसअघि बिलियार्ड खेल्ने क्रममा दीपेन्द्रले एक दुई पेग सङ्लो फेमस ग्रोस व्हीस्की पिउनपनि भ्याइसकेकाले राजा बीरेन्द्र त्रिभुवन सदन आउनु अघि युवराज दीपेन्द्र शरीर थाम्न नसकी शरीर ढलपल हुन थालिसकेको थियो । दीपेन्द्रको यस्तो हालत हुनुको कारण व्हीस्की हुनसक्छ भन्दै अधिराजकुमार निराजन, शाहज्यादा पारश, कुमार गोरख र डा. राजीव शाही समेत ४ जना मिली दीपेन्द्रलाई त्रिभुवन सदनभित्र रहेको दीपेन्द्रको खोपीमा लगेका थिए । तर यो सब उनको नाटक थियो र यो नाटक देवयानीसँग बिहे गर्न नदिइएको रिस पोख्न गरिएको थियो भन्ने कुरा केही छिनपछिको त्यो विभत्स घटनाले देखायो । देवयानीसँग विहे गर्न नदिइएको रिसमा केही छिनमै नारायाणहिटी रगतको आहालमा परिणत भयो। शंकाको घेरामा ज्ञानेन्द्र अहिलेसम्मका तथ्य र प्रमाणहरुले दरवारभित्रको सो हत्याकाण्डको दोषी युवराज दीपेन्द्र नै देखिन्छन् । तर राजा बीरेन्द्रसहित उनको पुरै बंश नास हुनु तर सो जमघटमा सामेल भएका अन्तिम राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रका छोरा पारश, बुहारी हिमानी, छोरी प्रेरणालाई केही नहुनु, घटनाकाबेला ज्ञानेन्द्र पोखरामा हुनु र हत्याकाण्डपछि ज्ञानेन्द्र नै राजा हुन पुग्नुले कतै हत्याकाण्डमा ज्ञानेन्द्रको त हात थिएन ? भन्ने शंका गर्नेहरुलाई बल पुगेको छ । ज्ञानेन्द्रमात्र होइन उनका छोरा पारसको उद्दण्ड छविलेपनि शंकामाथि शंका थपेको थियो । हुन त घटनामा परी ज्ञानेन्द्र पत्नी कोमलपनि घाइते नभएकी होइनन्‌ तर शान्त र सौम्य प्रकृतिका राजा बीरेन्द्रको पुरै बंशको हत्या, जनमानसमा लोकप्रियता हासिल गर्दै गएका दीपेन्द्रसमेतको मृत्युका कारण कोमललाई पनि गोली लागेको कुरा छायाँ पर्यो । यसरी ज्ञानेन्द्रको परिवार नेपाली जनमानसमा शंकाको घेरामा परे । उनको शक्तिको मोहले उनीमाथिको शंका अरु बढायो । माओवादीको चतुर खेल र राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य सो हत्याकाण्डपछि माओवादीले राजा बीरेन्द्रसँग आफूहरुको बार्तामात्र होइन अघोषित कार्यगत एकता भएको खुलाशा गर्दै यो एकता तोड्न र उदार राजा बीरेन्द्रलाई सिध्याएर माओवादीलाईपनि सिध्याउन ज्ञानेन्द्रले नै हत्याकाण्ड गरेको आरोप लगायो । यो स्थितिमा राजा भएका ज्ञानेन्द्रले यो आरोपको प्रतिवाद आफ्ना व्यवहारद्धारा गर्नुपर्नेमा माओवादीको आरोपलाई पुष्टि गर्ने गरी राजनीतिक महत्वाकांक्षा देखाउन थाले । उनी जुन परिस्थितिमा राजा भएका थिए त्यो स्थितिमा उनले आफै राजाले पाउने अधिकार र सुविधा कटौति गर्नुपर्नेमा षडयन्त्रद्धारा आफ्नो अधिकार र सुविधा बढाउन थाले । आफ्नो कठपुतली देउवा सरकारलाईसमेत भंग गरेर उनले आफै शासन गर्न थाले । अप्ठेरो स्थितिमा राजा भएका उनका रक्षा कबज वास्तवमा कांग्रेस र एमालेजस्ता पार्टीहरु थिए । तर यी राजनीतिक शक्तिलाई आफैले गलहत्याएर उनले आफ्ना रक्षा कबज आफैले फुकाले । यो स्थितिमा राजनीतिको चतुर खेलाडी माओवादीले भने यी दुई राजनीतिक पार्टीलाई आफू निकटमा ल्याएर ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई कमजोर पार्न थाल्यो । अति राजनीतिक महत्वाकांक्षा देखाएपछि ज्ञानेन्द्र अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय समुदायबाटपनि एक्लिन थाले । यसैबीचमा माओवादी र सात राजनीतिक पार्टी मिलेर जनआन्दोलन २०६२- ०६३ को आयोजना गरे जुन सफलतामा टुङ्गियो । र राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई शक्तिहीन पारियो । राजनीतिक उतारचढावका बीच २०६५ चैत्र २८ गते संविधान सभाको चुनाव भयो । चुनावमा माओवादी विजयी भयो र उसैका बलमा जेठ १५ को संविधान सभा बैठकले नेपालबाट राजतन्त्रको बिदाई गर्यो । त्यसैले जेठ १९ गते राजा बीरेन्द्रको अन्त्यको दिनमात्र थिएन नेपालमा राजतन्त्रको अन्त्यको सूत्रपात गर्ने दिनपनि थियो ।

फेसबुकमा भेटिने प्रेमिका र प्रेमी कस्ता हुन्छन ? फेसबुक गर्लफ्रेन्ड नेपाली सर्ट मोभी हेर्नको लागि यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस

Experts have said that Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) have emerged as major impediment to regional trade in South Asia.Speaking at an interaction organized in Kathmandu on Wednesday to discuss non-tariff barriers in intra-regional trade, participants said that non-tariff barriers like import quotas, subsidies, custom delays, and technical and administrative barriers, among others, have been hindering regional trade

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

अफिसमामा बसेर गर्लफ्रेन्ड बोलाएर मस्ती गर्दा गर्दै यसरि गयो जागिर | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

New Nepali Short Movie ” Massage “
Working with architects Wells Mackereth on the refurbishment, we’ve brought out the original art-deco features, great natural light and floor to ceiling heights, with a green roof terrace available to all and a load of other green features.Local occupiers tend to be from the creative and technology sectors, with The Tea Building round the corner housing, amongst others, Mother and Shoreditch House

Monday, March 28, 2016

४ बर्ष देखि बलात्कार गर्ने बाबु को कर्तुत सबै सामु ल्याउन आफैले बनाइन् अश्लिल भिडियो >>> {भिडियो}

Educated Teen filmed own rape to catch her father in the act 
AN 18-year-old woman called Sarita told her mother for four years that her father was raping her, but the mother didn’t believe her — not until she filmed her father attacking her.
Even her own sister didn’t believe Sarita when she first began speaking out about her ordeal.
“I did not have any proof,” she told the Daily Mail. “I collected the proof this time for myself to be able to raise my voice against my father. I made the video clip on a mobile phone. I am ashamed to have a father like him. I demand he is punished for exploiting me for so many years. I don’t want him hanged but publicly killed and beaten by the general public so that he realizes how it feels to be tortured. I am relieved the truth is out. I am happy it is over. I now want to see my father punished for what he did and try to get on with my life.”
Sarita’s father would rape her whenever they were alone together, so she placed her phone on the windowsill and pointed it in her direction. As soon as the assault was over, she showed it to her mother before going to the police.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

नेपाली गुगल ब्वाइको अर्को भाबिस्यबानीले मन्त्रि देखि बाबा सम्म चकित हेर्नुहोस्

काठमाडौँकी चेली नेपाली मोडल उरुसाको यात्रा अब बलिउडतिर, बलिउडमा पुग्ने बित्तिकै ‘ढोल बाजे’मा यस्तो अवतार (भिडियो)

Nepali Model Urusha Pandey Bollywood Dhol Baje Indian Song 2016

Urusha” is preparing to go in the Hollywood : Urusha Pandey is one of the hardworking Actress.She also write Stories & Songs . She is known as a writer , actress , model and a good dancer. Now ”Urusha” is preparing to go in hollywood.She also write stories,songs in english too and send it to many hollywood people .”Urusha” finally selected in the hollywood movie “The Gathering”. Wish her Good Luck !!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

गेस्टहाउसमा बसेर यी जोडीले ल्यापटपमा अस्लिल फिलिम हेर्दै यस्तो हर्कत देखाए | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Guest House| New Nepali Short Movie
The love for Bollywood masalas and high intensity Hollywood movies erodes the viewers differently. Kollywood or K-wood which is also already an eminent industry in south India creates psychological hurdles. The viewer fascination for Hollywood/Bollywood actor/actress deprives Nepali film makers of huge mass. Besides, the internationally fame artist are fond of philanthropy which makes them reel-real hero where many desire to be like one of them. The association of reel to real drags the audiences to watch (his/her) movies and feel them more closely

Friday, March 25, 2016

पुरुषको कुन अंग देख्दै केटीहरु उत्तेजित हुन्छन ?केटीहरु बाटै जवाफ(भिडियोमा हेर्नुस)

Broadband Internet benefit genuinely is the most utilized type of Internet access in light of its high get to speeds; it is offered in four unique structures, DSL (or Digital Subscriber Line), additionally fiber-optic, link, and satellite. The old dial-up association is the main non-broadband network access accessible, and despite the fact that it is less expensive, most Internet clients are moving towards the speedier broadband Internet association.

The DSL (or Digital Subscriber Line) web access makes its association by using unused phone wires that cause no intrusion to your phone administration. The rate you involvement with a DSL association shifts with your separation from the exchanging station. Your pace will be slower the further away you are and quicker the closer you are to the exchanging station and this might be a central component when you endeavor to choose between a DSL line and a link association.

The broadband link association is given by the neighborhood satellite TV supplier. Here the satellite Internet association speed changes with the quantity of clients on the administration at a particular point in time. Given a particular geological region, clients of the broadband link administration share the association transfer speed which moderates the rate the more clients are on the framework. This will happen at the crest times for instance late in the nights after the work day is over when numerous individuals will be getting to the Internet. Fairly misleadingly, regularly the link organization would assess association speeds that depend on the reasoning that you are utilizing the administration. In any case, that is plainly not the situation.

अफिसमा जागिर खोज्दै आएको एक युवकलाई अफिस भित्रै एक युवतीले तारा हेर्छ्स भन्दै यस्तो दुर्व्यवहार गरे पछि !! भिडियो सहित

New Nepali Short Movie Fun Buzz

Films, in Nepal, are taking a bound towards post-modernized art. Despite few (or perhaps, many) unsuccessful films, some have started to leave a mark-the welcoming of New Generation, the New Nepali Cinemascope. Though not commercially conquering, many a film made within the contending industry have poised themselves as a strong competitor in captivating the heart of the mass and the class alike. Small budgets cinema that carries all- entertainment, a therapy to emotional scratch, note to the audiences, portrays hard work of the team. Saghuro, Kathaa, Manjari, Antaral, Hostel to name few; have left a lasting impression on the viewers. Few upcoming movies like Mokshya, Jholey, Ritu, Raghav, Fitkiri, Mukhauta, look equally captivating. But, the challenge now is on commercialization. Who will instigate? Film industry is not just a story of hue and cry of the directors, producers and actors in particular but the national spectator as a whole. The industry, in many parts of the globe, contributes to economy. To a large extent even. Many countries have developed some of their cities as Film Cities endorsing tourism as well.

सेकेन्ड हेन्ड श्रीमान र सेकेन्ड हेन्ड श्रीमती भए पछि के हुने रहेछ ल हेर्नुहोस यो भिडियो

Nepali comedy short film SECOND HAND
When you laugh more you will be healthier than others. As we know all Niraj Nepal who is the famous and comedian of Nepal. Till now, he sung many songs in Nepali Music. Comedies are so popular and famous. Many audiences listen and watch his videos. From his comedy Nepali audiences get entertainment. He played in many television serial and movies. He is popular and famous in Nepali comedy serial as. Comedy film which he sings provides the full entertainment to the audiences. Audiences are also impressed from his comedy film. The comedy is full package of entertainment and joy.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

हैट के सारो छाडा भिडियो पो निस्कियो है !! यी युवतीले त यस्तो खतरा पो कुरा गर्छिन त बा smile emoticon भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

GHANTI BAJAUNA NASAKE PAXI @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016 
In Nepal, the modeling profession began a very long time ago when Filmmaking started in the 1960s. Later, it  was greatly supported through several other platforms like Miss Nepal from 1994 A.D which brought a bit more professionalism in the modeling career. Models are featured in a variety of media through  books, magazines, movies, newspapers, television, blogs, videos etc. To be a model it is vital that both male and female models must possess clear skin, healthy natural hair, a well maintained physique, slim (for females) /  muscular (for males) body and attractive facial features. Stringent weight and body proportion guidelines form a selective criteria for the selection of deserving models in this field

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

श्रीमान र श्रीमतीले आ-आफ्नो बास्तबिकता लुकाउदा !!! हेर्नुस यो घटना !! अवस्य हेन्रुहोला

Hidden Thing Short movie
Submission to the husband by the wife is not optional from the perspective of the bible. Therefore before you, as a woman, say, “Yes, I do,” you need to realise that you are not just signing to emotional comfort, but you are committing yourself to a lifetime of yeses.The idea captured in the focus verse is that of total, sweeping, unquestioning and unalloyed submission. If you think that is too much, it means you have not aligned yourself enough to the truth of God‘s word. You are still conformed to the world in your own mind (Romans 12:2). 

भारतले पाकिस्तान लाई हराए पछि यी पाकिस्तानी नायिकाले कपडा फुकालेर यस्तो चर्तिकला देखाइन | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Pakistani Model Qandeel Baloch dances in bikini for Team India , watch video 
The India Pakistan match at the ongoing ICC T20 World Cup 2016 has become a topic of buzz with both the nations gearing up for the big day. Ahead of the much awaited match, a Pakistani model is all set to get her share of limelight. Qandeel Baloch has promised to strip dance if Pakistani beats India in the ICC T20 World Cup 2016. She made this announcement on her Facebook page and has been making headlines since then.

काठमाण्डौमा होलि यसरि मनाइदै छ | हेर्नुहोस रमाइलो भिडियो

Holi being marked in Capital, hilly region
Mar 22, 2016- Phagu Purnima or Holi, the festival of colours, is being celebrated with jest and vigour by people in the Capital and other parts of the hilly region on Tuesday.The festival is generally celebrated by smearing “Abeer” or red vermilion powder and throwing colour and water-filled plastic pouches at each other.Holi revellers have converged since early morning to begin the celebration by applying colours on each other and making merry amongst themselves.Holi, an important festival for Nepali people, begins on the eighth day of the new moon and ends with the burning of the “Chir’, which was installed earlier, on the full moon day.The festival is celebrated today in the hilly areas including the Capital. It will be celebrated in the Terai region tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2016

यो पो डान्स smile emoticon चर्चित डान्सर पार्वती राइले कतारमा नेपाली लाइ स्टेजमा बबाल डान्स देखाएर यसरि स्टेजमा नै हङ्गामा मच्चाईन | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Dance By Parbati Rai In Qatar
Parbati Rai is a Nepalese politician. She has been a communist cadre for decades. She was nominated as a Proportional Representation candidate for the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist) in the 2008 Constituent Assembly election. Rai was 93 years old at the time, and possibly the oldest candidate in the fray.Ahead of the 2013 Constituent Assembly election, Rai was nominated as a candidate by the Communist Party of Nepal. She was placed as the fifth candidate on the Proportional Representation list of the party. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

मुड खराब छ भने हेर्नुहोस यहाँ छन् ३ वोटा भिडियो ,जस्ले पेट मिचिमिची हसाउने छ | भिडियो सहित

SOLTI KO DIMAAG @ New Nepali Comedy Short Movie @ 2016
The director of this Nepali funny comedy video was Deviram Parajuli and Niraj Nepal. This video is related to entertainment and joy. As we all know, laughing is the best medicine. Laughing is good for your health. Smiling is such powerful thing which can reduce stress, pain and conflict. When we start to laugh it not only shared our feelings but it also connects people together and makes people happiness. Laughing reduce your pain, strengthen our immune system relaxes your body. Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone. You can laugh by viewing this video. When you laugh one time at a day by producing big sound it makes your mind fresh and you will be healthier.

पैसाको लागि रंगिन दुनियामा हराएर आफ्नो परिवार आफ्नो साना नानी बाबुहरू को मन कहिले न दुखाउनु होला नत्र यस्तै घटना पनि घट्न सक्छ | frown emoticon अतिनै मार्मिक भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

Latest Nepali Short Film- Sapana
Nepali film actor Siddhartha Lama who had also earlier appeared in Malayalam film “Yodha” starring south superstar Mohanlal. “The film has two tracks set in two timelines. But they are confused about what route to take; whether to embrace the spiritual path of the Dalai Lama or to resort to terrorism to reach their goal”, said Lenin Rajendran, the movie director. Manisha also said that equality and spirituality are the only answers to the war and chaos that the world is facing. Quizzed on the rising issues of intolerance, the actress said: “I believe in preserving our culture, at the same time I also believe in freedom of expression”. The actor, in real life, is a cancer surviver, and is now back in action for a film promotion. Award winning cinematographer Madhu Ambat who cranks the camera for the film said that since the characters in the film have a mix of modernity and myths, he enjoyed working for the film as he has played a lot with darkness in the film. “I consider it as a huge health setback that happened to me and I want to move beyond the tag”. When the word cancer is used, you feel it means death. It’s true that the disease is rare and painful and most of us don’t survive. “Society should know about people like me who have fought cancer and strive for a better life”. “I really wish, I could act once again with Mohanlal”, she added. “I used to browse only to look at good and positive results”. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

सबिधान बनेपछि के मिले पोर्न खेल्न पाउछु त मेरो अधिकार ?? भन्दै अर्चना पनेरुले यस्तो स्टाटुस लेखिन - भिडियो सहित

According to the organisers, the fair has been able to do a business of around Rs200 million so far. The Maha Shivaratri Festival and Industrial Trade Fair 2016 which began at Pashupatinath on March 8, a day after the Maha Shivaratri festival, are coming to a close on Saturday. The annual fair is attended by pilgrims who come to Pashupatinath and features shops, amusement rides and food stalls. “Around 1.5 million visitors, including 100,000 foreign tourists, have attended our fair so far,” said Sandeep Mahat, chairman of Audyogik Shanti Nepal Sanstha, the organiser.
There are over 300 stalls in the fair where local traders sell handicrafts, food, clothing, utensils and shoes. The prime attraction of the fair had been a man-made model of Amarnath cave and Vaishnodevi cave, two very holy Hindu shrines in India’s Jammu and Kashmir.
“Every year a fair has been organised in Pashupatinath during Maha Shivaratri since the beginning and this year too it was a success,” Pawan Agrawal, a member of the organising committee said. “We could showcase Nepali products during the fair to thousands of people which is the biggest achievement.”
Although the fair is closing on Saturday, organisers say the amusement rides and the model of Amarnath and Vaishnodevi caves will be kept intact for one more month. Sushil Pokhrel, a student who visited the fair on Friday, said that the fair had been successful in blending pilgrimage with entertainment and trade. “After worshipping the Pashupatinath, the fair gives visitors like us the opportunity to shop at decent prices,” he said.

बसन्तपुर स्थित बालाजी कपास उद्योगमा भीषण आगलागी,आगलागी स्थलबाट स्थानीय यस्तो भन्छन् - हेर्नुहोस भिडियोमा

Property worth Rs 12 mln gutted in Nepalgunj fire
Property worth around Rs 12 million was reduced to ashes when a fire broke out at a cotton factory in Basantapur of Nepalgunj Municipality-7 on Saturday.
According to police Inspector Ram Bahadur Chand, the fire that broke out at the cotton factory owned by Pankaj Kumar Baishya at around 4 am today was contained with the help of Nepal Police and Nepal Army personnel backed by fire engines after five hours of battling.Chand said that the incident might have occurred due to electric short circuit.No human casualty was reported in the incident, Chand informed.

Friday, March 18, 2016

तातोपानीमा मह र कागती मिसाएर खाँदा हुने ९ फाइदा हेर्नुस

१ . पाचन सुधार्छ पाचनलाई सुधार्नका लागि बिहान तातो पानीमा मह र कागती मिसाएर खानुपर्छ । यसले पेट सफा राख्न मद्दत गर्नुका साथै कलेजोमा रसको उत्पादनलाई बढाउँछ, जसबाट पाचन प्रक्रियामा मद्दत मिल्छ । कागतीमा रहेको एसिडले पाचनप्रणालीलाई मजबूत पार्न मद्दत गर्छ र अवान्छित विषाक्त पदार्थलाई बाहिर निकाल्छ । यसका अलावा महले एक एन्टीब्याक्टेरियलको रुपमा काम गर्छ र शरीरमा रहेको कुनै पनि प्रकारको संक्रमण हटाउँन मद्दत गर्छ ।
२. कब्जियत हटाउँछ तातोपानीमा मह र कागती मिसाएर खानाले कब्जियतलाई समेत निको पार्ट ।
यसले आँतलाई प्रोत्साहित गरेर दिसा खलास गर्नमा सहयोग गर्छ । यसका अलावा यसले आन्त्र म्युकसलाई बढावा दिन्छ । सुख्खा भएको दिसालाई भिजाउँछ । यसले दिसा गर्न सहयोग गर्छ । ३. लिम्फेटिक सिस्टमको सफाईमा सहयोगी लिम्फेटिक सिस्टममा पानी र आवश्यक तरल पदार्थको कमी भएमा थकान महसुस हुन्छ । कब्जियत, सुत्न समस्या, उच्च या न्युन रक्तचाप, तनाव र मानसिक स्वास्थ्यमा असर पर्छ । बिहान–बिहान यो मिश्रण पिउनाले लिम्फेटिक सिस्टम सुख्खा हुन मद्दत गर्छ, जसबाट प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीमा पनि सुधार हुन्छ । ४. मुख स्वास्थ्यमा सुधार एसिडिक प्रकृतिको कागती, मह र तातो पानी पिउनाले मुख गन्हाउने समस्या समाधान हुन्छ । कागतीले आक्रामक ब्याक्टेरियालाई मारेर मुख शुद्ध गर्न मद्दत गर्छ । मुख गन्हाउने मुख्य कारण जिब्रोमा जमेको सेतो भाग ९खाद्य तथा ब्याक्टेरियाका कारण यस्तो हुन्छ० पनि हो । कागतीसहितको यो मिश्रणले यस्तो सेतो भागलाई हटाएर मुख गन्हाउने समस्या प्राकृतिक रुपमा हटाउँछ । ५. मूत्रबद्र्धक रुपमा कार्य गर्छ महमा शक्तिशाली एन्टीब्याक्टेरियल गुण हुन्छ । यसमा कैयौ प्रकारको संक्रमण हटाउने क्षमता हुन्छ । कागती, तातो पानी र महको मिश्रणले एक उत्कृष्ट मूत्रल ९शरीरबाट पानी बाहिरनिकाल्ने तत्व० को रुपमा काम गर्छ । मूत्रमार्गलाई सफा गर्ने यो सबैभन्दा राम्रो तरिका हो । युटिआई या मूत्रमार्ग संक्रमणबाट पीडित महिलाका लागि यो मिश्रण वरदान साबित हुन्छ । ६.इनर्जी लेबल बढाउँछ मह र तातो पानीको मिश्रणले शरीरमा इनर्जी वृद्धि गर्छ । शरीरमा बढी इनर्जी उत्पन्न हुँदा शरीरको मेटाबोलिज्म र कार्यप्रणालीमा वृद्धि हुन्छ । महले शरीरका अंगलाई ठीक ढंगबाट काम गर्न प्रेरित गर्छ । बिहान तातो पानी तथा कागतीका साथ मह लिनाले शरीर दिनभर उर्जावान बन्छ । ७. तौल घटाउन उपयोगी मह, कागती र तातोपानीको मिश्रण सेवन गर्नाले भोक पनि कम लाग्छ । यसमा फाइबर पाइन्छ,जसले भोक र सुगर लेबललाई कम गरी पर्याप्त इनर्जी प्रदान गर्छ । यसैले नियमित रुपमा बिहान यसको सेवन गर्नाले दिनभर खाने खानामा पनि कमी हुन्छ । जसबाट तौल घटाउन पनि मद्दत मिल्छ । ८. पोषक तत्व र भिटामिनले भरपूर मह र कागतीका साथ तातो पानी सेवन गर्दा शरीरका लागि एन्टीअक्सिडेन्ट, भिटामिन र अन्य पोषकतत्व पाइन्छ । यसका अलावा यसमा एन्टिइन्फ्लामेटोरी गुण पनि पाइन्छ । यसैले यसको सेवनले शरीरको रोगप्रतिरोधी प्रणाली मजबूत हुन्छ । ९ .रोग प्रतिरोधी क्षमता मजबूत हुन्छ यसको नियमित सेवनले शरीरको प्रतिरोधी क्षमतामा वृद्धि हुन्छ । मह र कागतीमा भएको एन्टिअक्सिडेन्ट र अन्य पोषक तत्वले मौसम परिवर्तनसंगै हुने संक्रमणबाट पनि बचाउँछ 

युवा पुस्ताको मुटु हल्लाउने गायक शिव परियारले सार्बजनिक गरे अर्को भिडियो( सहितभिडियो)

काठमाडौं, ५ चैत । नेपाली सागितीक उद्योगमा शिव परियार सबैमा मनमा बस्छ सफल गायक हुन् । निकै मिठो स्वरका धनी परियारका गीत  युवा पुस्तादेखि उमेर पाका मानिसका लागि पनि छन् । उनै गायक परियारले नयाँ गीत लिएर पुनः युवा पुस्तामाझ आएका छन् ।परियारको स्वर र संगति रहेको गीत ‘माया देउ मायालु…’ सार्वजनिक भएको छ । निकेश खड्काले निर्देशन गरेको भिडियोको दिपक सिंहले कोरियोग्राफी गरेका छन् । पल शाह र झरना मल्लको अभिनय रहेको गीतको धिरज जंग शाहले छायांकन गरेका छन् । गीतमा युवा पुस्ताको प्रेमलाई देखाउन खोजीएको छ ।

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

आकस्मिक गर्भनिरोधक चक्कीलाई मकैभटमासझैं प्रयोग गर्ने शहरी युवतीहरुको संख्या बढ्दो - MAIN NEWS

स्वास्थ्यका बारेमा भएको अपुरो ज्ञानले महिलामा विभिन्न समस्या आइरहेका छन् । विशेष गरी आकस्मिक गर्भनिरोधक चक्की र गर्भपतनसम्बन्धी बुझाइ अपुरो देखिन्छ । असुरक्षित यौन सम्पर्क गरेको ७२ घन्टाभित्र ‘इमर्जेन्सी पिल’ खाएमा गर्भ बस्दैन भन्ने आम मान्यता छ । यस्ता पिल्स जथाभावी सेवन गर्दा महिलाको रजस्वला गडबड हुनुका साथै प्रजनन क्षमता नै कमजोर हुन सक्छ । आकस्मिक गर्भनिरोधक चक्कीलाई मकै–भटमासजस्तो साधारण ठानेर प्रयोग गर्ने डरलाग्दो ‘ट्रेन्ड’ बढेको र यसले बाँझो पन र स्त्री रोगीको संख्या बढेको भन्दै चिकित्सकहरुले चिन्ता व्यक्त गरेका छन् ।

ल हेर्नुहोस सुनसरीमा भर्खरैका युवतीहरु बाध्यताले यसरि यौनकर्मी बन्दै , घरमा बुवाले रक्सि पिउनु हुन्छ आमाले मात्र घरको खर्च धान्न गार्हो भयो र यौन कर्मी बने | हेर्नुहोस पुरा भिडियो

Flesh trade attracts young girls in Itahari
Some six months ago, when s@x trade was at its peak in Itahari of Sunsari district, a teenaged girl from Darjeeling used to frequent this city. Later, she started working in a local cabin restaurant and also going out with clients occasionally.After the police began cracking down on the growing flesh trade in Itahari, she stopped visiting Itahari. Recently, she came to the city again and started looking for clients. The police, during one of their raids, caught her red-handed from Hotel Vision, where she was making out with her client.After her arrest, she revealed how she became involved in prostitution. According to her, she got involved in the flesh trade some three years ago, under the influence of one of her friends.“My friend´s elder sister ran a restaurant in Itahari, where I worked as sex worker for a few days,” she said. “Later, I became a professional s@x worker.” 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

कोखाई कोखाई गरि गरि हुर्के छोरा छोरि , ठुला भए विदेश लागे आउदैनन जुगे भरि | "एकै मुठी पानी तताई खान कसले देला" अतिनै मार्मिक गित - यदि बिदेशमा हुनुहुन्छ भने अवस्य सुन्नुहोला | भिडियो सहित

Ramji Khand & Barsha Rai New Latest Lok Dohori Geet Ama Timro
LISTEN AND SUPPORT NEPALI MUSIC Song -Mamata Singer- Ram ji Khand & Barsha Rai Lyrics- Yamlal Kandel Music- Yamlal Kandel Araange-Pushkar Sunuwar Model-Yubraj/Yuna/Parbati/ Nirmal/Sapana Camera – Ashok sunwar/ Yubraj Khatri Edit- Yubraj Khatri Direction-Shankar Adhikar (Ghayal) Video By Sandhya Music Productions

Sunday, March 13, 2016

जिउंदै जलाएकी रिहान सेखकी दर्दनाक कथा हेर्नुहोस् ! POWER NEWS With Prem Baniya.

POWERNEWS -जिउंदै जलाएकी रिहान सेखकी दर्दनाक कथा हेर्नुहोस्
दाइजोमा मोटरसाइकल, भैंसी र सुन घडी नल्याएको भन्दै चुरोटले पोल्थे । एक/एक सातासम्म खान दिंदैन थियो, भन्थे बा'को घरबाट दाइजो ल्याऊ । म मानेन, न मानेपछि राती १० बजे ति मलाई आंगनमा बांधेर मटि्ट तेल खन्याएर आगो लगाइदिए, पापीहरुले । मेरो पेट भित्र रहेको ७ महिनाको बच्चा आगोमै जले, म मात्र बांचे रिहाना सेखकी दर्दनाक कथा

मदन भण्डारीको छोटो र मिठो भाषण ,जुन आजको आवश्यकता हो (भिडीयो)

Saturday, March 12, 2016

ल हेर्नुहोस कसरि बिश्वाश गर्ने डाक्टर नै यस्तो भए पछि | एउटा क्लिन जादा जे देखियो | भिडियो सहित

DOCTOR KO SUI @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016
This nickname for people peddling fake cures and/or pretending to have medical skills they don’t actually possess has been around since at least the early 17th century. The Oxford English Dictionary lists the oldest recorded use in Francis Quarles’ 1638 book, Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man: “Quack, leave thy trade; thy dealings are not right, thou tak’st our weighty gold, to give us light.”Quack, in the sense of a medical impostor, is a shortening of the old Dutch quacksalver (spelled kwakzalver in the modern Dutch), which originally meant a person who cures with home remedies, and then came to mean one using false cures or knowledge.The etymological trail gets muddy if you go any further back than that, and quacksalver has been traced variously to kwakken (to fling or throw down) + zalver (person who cures with ointments), quacsalven (a term for home remedies, from the 1300s), and quaken (to quack or croak) + salf (salve). Taken figuratively, the kwakken and quaken origins imply someone peddling and boasting about their medical wares, legitimate or not—a little broader, but not too far off from the modern usage.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

आज भोलिको नेपाली चलचित्रमा नै यस्तो अश्लिल शब्द प्रयोग हुन थालेछन अब हाम्रो समाजले कसरी पचाउला ?? भिडियो सहित

Nepali -Timro Jharna laagyo || 2016
Making a short visualizing summary of the flim the Producer Shri YK Megi profoundly replenishes that the shooting of ‘Tista Pari Ko Saino’ was conceived by Shri Garja Man Gurung in a very lucrative way keeping all forms, concept creations of interlocking tradition and culture in mind and reading the holistic acceptance of viewers perfectly to their expectation. Interesting thing about the movie is that almost every tourist attraction and places across the state of Sikkim has been pictured during the shooting. In this film, the prominent places include Buddha Park of Rabong South Sikkim, Temi Tea Garden in South Sikkim, Asia’s ranked deepest Singshore suspension bridge of West Sikkim, Heavenly Rhododendron Sanctuary Barsey of West Sikkim and other exotic places of Sikkim. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

के के देख्नु मिल्छ यो बिचित्र संसारमा ?? हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Former Weight-Gain Queen Drops 240lbs To Save Her Life
A WOMAN who deliberately put on weight for years lost 16 STONE after splitting from her feeder boyfriend - ultimately saving her life. Morbidly obese Patty Sanchez went from 51.5 to 34 stone after years of constant eating with the encouragement of her ex-boyfriend and online fans. At one point Patty wanted to be the heaviest woman in the world - consuming 13,000 calories per day for several years. But after breaking up with her former partner she decided to change her diet and lifestyle. The 51-year-old mother of four said the weight loss has dramatically improved both her personal and family life.

संसारमा यस्ता छोरी को जन्म धेरै भन्दा धेरै होस् , यो भिडियो एक पल्ट हेर्नुहोस र अवस्य SHARE गर्नुहोला | हेर्नुहोस यी सानी छोरीले गरेको कामले तपाइको आखा बाट आशु खसाल्ने छ | भिडियो सहित

New nepali short film “SWEET DAUGHTER
A girl woke up in the middle of the night. She heard her mother crying. She hastened to her room to check out what had gone wrong.She figured out her mother was unable to repress her emotions which had been haunting her for a long time. She asked,” What’s the matter mother?””My Mother, My Bestfriend”A girl woke up in the middle of the night. She heard her mother crying. She hastened to her room to check out what had gone wrong. She figured out her mother was unable to repress her emotions which had been haunting her for a long time. She asked,” What’s the matter mother?” “Dear, I am sorry that I failed to be your super mom. I always wanted to make your wishes come true but I am sorry, said the mother. Mom you are such an angel, how can you even think like this? I love you so much, said her daughter.But all of a sudden the room was filled with the cheerful giggle of a mother and her daughter. And the episode of “AAO BEHEN CHUGLI KAREIN” started again.Mother is such a word which has no adjective because it describes its beauty itself. A mother-daughter relationship is the best relationship. A daughter’s journey starts right from her childhood. It’s a girl’s dream to become like her mother. It’s funny how the sweet little daughters smear their faces with makeup and wear her mother’s heels and it’s the mother who relives her childhood moments with her. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

तपाईको आँखाबाट आँसु खसाइदिने यो दृश्य | भिडियो हेर्न तल क्लिक गर्नुहोस्

This sh0cking picture sh0ws a three-m0nth-0ld baby Asree Gul with an extra head as she lies at a h0spital in the Afghanistan city 0f Jalalabad. Asree Gul’s m0ther gave birth t0 twins, tw0 girls, 0ne girl was in g00d health but Asree Gul had an abn0rmality. She had an extra head attached t0 her head! Baby With Tw0 Heads Survives Risky 0perati0n T0 Rem0ve The Extra Head!

श्रीमान र श्रीमतीले आ-आफ्नो बास्तबिकता लुकाउदा !!! हेर्नुस यो घटना !! सत्य घट्नामा आधारित यो भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

Husband wife Nepali Short Movie

Submission to the husband by the wife is not optional from the perspective of the bible. Therefore before you, as a woman, say, “Yes, I do,” you need to realise that you are not just signing to emotional comfort, but you are committing yourself to a lifetime of yeses.The idea captured in the focus verse is that of total, sweeping, unquestioning and unalloyed submission. If you think that is too much, it means you have not aligned yourself enough to the truth of God‘s word. You are still conformed to the world in your own mind (Romans Peter, while admonishing women, said they should follow Sarah’s model who called her husband Lord (1Peter 3:6). However, there is more to that than just a four letter word (no pun intended), it is an attitude. That is the attitude for the Christian woman. 

Monday, March 7, 2016

पूर्व राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र पशुपतिमा, माहोल हेर्दा लाग्छ देशमा अझै राजतन्त्र कायम छ (भिडियो सहित)

पूर्व राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र पशुपतिमा, माहोल हेर्दा लाग्छ देशमा अझै राजतन्त्र कायम छ (भिडियो सहित) 
काठमाडौं, फागुन २४ । सोमबार साँझको पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर परिषरको माहोल हेर्दा लाग्थ्यो देशमा राजतन्त्र अझै कायम छ । राजतन्त्र अन्त्य भएको एक दशक बितिसक्दा पनि राजाको पक्षमा देखिएको एउटा ठूलो झुण्डले पाशुपत क्षेत्रको पवित्र भुमीमा भनीरहेको थियो राजा आऊ देश बचाऊ’ ।
शिवरात्रिका अवसरमा सोमबार साँझ पूर्वराजा ज्ञानेन्द्र शाह पशुपतिनाथमा पुग्दा उनका समर्थकहरुले बोलेका केही वाणीहरु हुन् यि ।
पूर्वराजा शाहले करिब १० मिनेट पशुपतिको दर्शन गरेर निस्कँदा कैयौँ समर्थकहरुले घेरेर नाराबाजी गरेका हुन् । जहाँ बाजागाजा सहितको जम्बो टोली नै उनको स्वागत र पुरानै शैलीमा जयजयकारमा उत्रिएको देख्न सकिन्थ्यो । सर्मथकहरुले करिब २० मिनेटसम्म नाराबाजी गरिरहँदा प्रहरीलाई सुरक्षाव्यवस्था मिलाउन हम्मे हम्मे परेको थियो ।

Sunday, March 6, 2016

नेपाली युवतीले यस्तो अस्लिल शब्द पनि बोल्ने रहेछन , एउटा भिडियो यसरि लिग भयो | भिडियो सहित

While going through  the modeling profession, glamour takes a major role in in this field as most public seek for sexiness in models. This helps promote the models even more among fans. Glamour is all about the attitude, eroticism, mood,  and expressions  which a model carries out in a sexy way without looking vulgar. The most important requirement for a glamour picture is the expression of the eyes and lips of the model. This enhances the beauty of the picture and creates a mood according to the theme of the photography.Nowadays, the modeling profession has built up in the media and among the local people as well. Just like the other countries, Nepal is also growing in its fashion glamour field. Those interested in enhancing their sexiness through glamour are given more opportunities from different websites all over the world for modeling.Here is the list of the top five major glamour websites in Nepal that are popular on facebook as well. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

फेरी गरिन ज्योति मगरले बबाल प्रस्तुति :: झुम झाम ..झुम झाम म त रोल्पाली जोति मगर हुम | हेर्नुहोस गित रेकड़िंग गर्दा गर्दै जे देखियो >>>{भिडियो }

Jyoti Magar New Song Live Recording “Ishara K Ghari Ghari” 
This is a Live New Song Recording Video of Nepali Singer Model Jyoti Magar. Music & Lyrics is by Prakash Katuwal & Binod Dhakal.this video of the song is directed by Shankar this video we can see Artist Sagar Lamsal (Bale). Hari Niraula (Cockroach) & Suresh Thapa (Darshane) .Jyoti Magar Jyoti Thapa Magar is also Nepali Model and Singer . Her songs shows glamor in folk songs and they are becoming more popular. She was born in remote village of Rukum. In her early school age she used to sing songs at school in western city of Dang. Jyoti is a Nepali playback singer. She has sung more than 100s of Nepali songs. She has appeared in live programs in various countries like as, Denmark, Japan, Australia, Hong kong , USA, Uk, UAE and other countries. 

OMG !! हेर्नुहोस् भिडियो दुई भारतिय महिलालाई पसलमा चोरी गरेर फर्कन खोज्दा रंगेहात फेला पारेपछि...


अहिले सम्म नेपालमा यस्तो अस्लिल भिडियो बनेको छैन होला साएद ! फेरी समाजमा पचाउनै नसकिने अर्को अस्लिल भिडियो बन्यो- [ भिडियो सहित ]

Latest New Nepali Movie (Short Film)
The love for Bollywood masalas and high intensity Hollywood movies erodes the viewers differently. Kollywood or K-wood which is also already an eminent industry in south India creates psychological hurdles. The viewer fascination for Hollywood/Bollywood actor/actress deprives Nepali film makers of huge mass. Besides, the internationally fame artist are fond of philanthropy which makes them reel-real hero where many desire to be like one of them. The association of reel to real drags the audiences to watch (his/her) movies and feel them more closely.It’s queer to see huge crowd in a queue during the film festival season. I had to ponder for quite a long time seeing the demand of the film festival. Was it because the tickets were low-priced? Or was it because the films were presented so well? The fraternity should think and decide. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

५ महिना देखि आफ्नै छोरीलाई बलात्कार गर्ने बाबु लाइ गाउले मिलेर यसरि रामधुलाई गरे | भिडियो सहित

Satara village panchayat orders canning of rape victim, accused
A man in Maharashtra raped his daughter for four months and in a miscarriage of justice being meted out, the local panchayat thrashed both the victim and the rapist. The horrific incident took place in Satara district of Maharashtra where both the rapist and the victim were tied up and repeatedly beaten by a cane. The accused allegedly raped his minor daughter for four months and people of the village came to know about the incident when the girl got pregnant. An RTI activist registered a police complaint and presented pictures of the panchayat’s action as evidence. 

नेपालमा बनेको यो भिडियो मध्य यस्तो अस्लिल साएद तपाइले हेर्नुभएको छैन होला हेर्नुहोस भिडियो - आखिर के उद्स्यका लागि बन्यो यो भिडियो

Jungle Romance – Nepali short film 2016 (Must Watch)
In Nepal, the modeling profession began a very long time ago when Filmmaking started in the 1960s. Later, it  was greatly supported through several other platforms like Miss Nepal from 1994 A.D which brought a bit more professionalism in the modeling career. Models are featured in a variety of media through  books, magazines, movies, newspapers, television, blogs, videos etc. To be a model it is vital that both male and female models must possess clear skin, healthy natural hair, a well maintained physique, slim (for females) /  muscular (for males) body and attractive facial features. Stringent weight and body proportion guidelines form a selective criteria for the selection of deserving models in this field. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

रेखा थापा ले पगालिन छबि ओझा लाई | करिब २ बर्ष अघि सम्बन्ध बिच्छेद गरेका यी दुई ले आफ्नो अघिल्लो फिल्म जुदाउन खोजेका थिए तर रेखा का लागि छबि ले आफु पछि सरे | माया होस त छबि को जस्तो | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

Chabi Ojha To Postpone Release Of Kismat 2 For His Love Rekha Thapa 
The industry with its hot gossips has already established divorce of the couple, but Rekha Thapa and Chabbi Ojha relationship remains so complicated that the mystery is yet to be revealed. The couple appearing together at a recent family program has left startled everyone with their relationship issue.Chhabi Ojha who travelled along with Rekha Thapa to the program astonished most of the other filmmakers present at the program. The couple was attending wedding reception of Chalchitra Sangh president’s son at Radisson Hotel.Rekha Thapa recent SnapRekha Thapa usually refers to Chhabi Ojha more as a guardian than her husband. While Chhabi Ojha on other side, prefers not to comment on the relationship issue. Rekha Thapa and Chabbi Ojha however are staying apart from each other for months now. Chabbi Ojha stays alone at his Gauri Ghat’s house and Rekha Thapa stays with her mother at their newly bought apartment.Here’s the divorce gossip video of the couple as presented on a TV program few months back. Watch the video below.

देश र जनताको नियति माथि गरिने पेशा - वैदेशिक रोजगार : क्या गज्जब छ देशमा जे गरे पनि हुने ! (भिडियो)

यस्तो चाही कसैको जिन्दगीमा पनि नहोस है | एउटा भाइरल भिडियो

Girl R@P3D by Friend

Khoobsurat is out all across India and Pakistan Hindi romantic comedy film. The film is directed by Shashanka Ghosh and produced by Rhea Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and Siddharth Roy Kapur. It stars Sonam Kapoor, Fawad Afzal Khan, Kirron Kher, Prosenjit I’m there from start to finish and I got the opportunity to do comedy for the first time to come to Chennai and do a shoot on Indian Culture. After Gauri Shinde you are working with another woman on her debut film. How did you feel doing this project A modern day fairytale, loosely based on the Hrishikesh Mukherjee comedy of the same name She is well suited to the film’s general tone which is suitably perky and giggly, and unapologetically silly: Sonam Kapoor’s introduction has her character and Daisy Shah perfrom during the promotion of the upcoming Hindi film ‘Jai ho’ on the set of the TV Hindi show, ‘Comedy Night with Kapil’ in Mumbai on January 9, 2014. (AFP) Indian Bollywood film actor Salman Khan performs during the promotion of the “It started like a true almost-Bollywood slapstick comedy,

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

चितवन रास्ट्रिय निकुञ्जको गैडा बर्दिया रास्ट्रिय निकुन्जमा स्थानान्तरण गर्दा जे देखियो | भिडियो सहित

Rhinos on the move
Wildlife technical team captured one-horned rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Chitwan National Park (CNP) and translocated it to Bardia National Park (BNP) (approximately 299 kilometres away) on Tuesday. The rhino will be realesed at BNP by Wednesdayt and will be followed by four more rhinos on March 4. As per a decision of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation taken last year, the authorities are planning to move 30 one-horned rhinos from the CNP to the BNP in next three years. As part of the plan, five rhinos—two male and three female—are set to be taken to the BNP on Tuesday.Chief Conservation Officer of Chitwan National Park, Ramchandra Kandel, had earlier said that the rhinos to be taken from lower belt of Sukhibhar in Kasara area would be released in Babai valley in Bardiya. The total cost for the transfer of the rhinos is estimated Rs 8.3 million. He added that plans are afoot to relocate altogether 25 rhinos within three years.

नेपालमा नाकाबन्दी ले हेर्नुहोस कस्तो असर पार्यो | गाउ देखि काठमाण्डौ ठुला सपना बोकेर आउनेहरु यसरि बिलाउछ सपना | हेर्नुहोस भिडियो

A GIRL’S MIND @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016
Vehicles passed through the main border point between Nepal and India on Friday after frustrated residents forcefully removed barriers set up by Madhesi protesters who blockaded the border to demand changes in the new Constitution. The border traffic was the first sign of an easing to the severe shortages of fuel, medicine and other supplies in the Himalayan nation since the blockade and a general strike in the south started late last year.Police official Hobindra Bogati said residents and businessmen removed tents and bamboo poles that were blocking the border at Birgunj, about 160 km south of Kathmandu, and several cargo trucks and smaller vehicles were able to cross. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

आज फेरी यस कारण नेहाका आफन्त र प्रहरीबीच पोखरामा झडप भयो | हत्यारा लाइ फासी दिन यसरि हुदैछ सङ्घर्ष भिडियो सहित

Neha Pun – Yoruna Pun -R@pe and M#rder Case
The body of 19-year-old Yoruna Pun alias Neha was found in Naya Gaun, Pokhara today morning. Pun’s body was found in a half-naked state. Looking at the nature of the body, police has suspected that she was possibly murdered after being raped. The deceased’s body has a deep wound in the head and police’s preliminary investigation shows she was killed using a sharp weapon. Police Inspector Bed Prasad Joshi informed that investigation is on. He said that the body was placed at Western Regional Hospital for post mortem. Pun was an accountant at Smile Café in New Road, Pokhara. Her family had informed police after she did not return from work. Locals had informed police after seeing the body covered in a black cloth in an open area in a locality. Police suspects that Pun’s body was disposed at that place after she was murdered somewhere. Police has mobilized a team including sniffer dogs to look for perpetrators.